
The Rise of The Keyless Theft and How To Power Up Your Security

With the rise of technology, there has also been an increase in the prevalence of keyless theft. And while it may not seem like much at first, this type of theft can have a major impact on your wallet and overall security. In this blog post, we will explore the realities of keyless theft and how to power up your security to keep yourself and your property safe.

What is a keyless theft?

If you’re like most people, your car key is probably hanging from a key ring on your belt. But what if that key isn’t there when you need it? What if someone steals it? That’s exactly what happened to one woman in Florida. Her car was stolen and the thief took her keyless ignition along with it. Fortunately, she was able to power up her car using a remote starter. If you’ve ever had your car broken into and your key wasn’t there, be mindful of this trend and make sure to keep a backup copy of your keys. And if you do happen to lose your keys, don’t panic – there are plenty of ways to get into your car without them.

How do thieves get keys?

There are a few ways thieves get keys. One way is to use a distraction technique, such as hitting someone with a rolled up newspaper while they’re trying to put their key in the door. Another is to use physical force, such as grabbing someone’s arm and pulling the key out of the lock.

If you want to power up your security, there are a few things you can do. First, make sure that your locks are updated and have the latest security features. Second, keep your doors locked at all times, even when you’re not inside. Third, install deadbolt locks on your doors and add keyless entry systems. Fourth, invest in anti-theft devices like motion detectors or key fobs that send alerts when someone tries to enter your home without authorization. And finally, be vigilant – keep an eye out for suspicious behavior and don’t hesitate to call the police if you think someone is trying to break into your home without permission.

How can I power up my security?

One of the most common forms of theft these days is the theft of keys and keyrings. With so many people carrying around keys, it’s not hard for someone to walk off with them. If you want to make your life easier when it comes to security and keep your possessions safe, there are a few things you can do.

One way to power up your security is by getting a key fob replacement. This will mean that you don’t have to carry around a physical key all the time. You can store your new key fob in a secure location, like a safety deposit box, and access it through the app on your phone.

Another way to power up your security is by installing car security systems. These systems will help to protect your vehicle from being stolen, as well as deter would-be thieves from trying their luck. Some of the more popular car security systems include Bluetooth enabled panic buttons, parking sensors, and GPS trackers.


The rise of the keyless theft is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. Not only are thieves getting more and more creative with their methods, but they’re also becoming more sophisticated in how they steal our belongings. To keep yourself and your loved ones safe, it’s important to power up your security measures and make sure you’re using the right tools to protect yourself. This includes not just locking your doors, but also having a security system that monitors your surroundings and detects when something is wrong.